
Archive for August, 2010|Monthly archive page

History Mystery Challenge

In Uncategorized on August 13, 2010 at 2:53 pm

My friend, Kate Erstein, is good.  Just when I vowed to stop giving my time away and start doing things only for pay, she convinced me to help her with a volunteer project.  She made it sound so simple: help research the history of five historic homes which will be featured in the Upper Arlington Home and Garden Tour next June. In exchange I’ll have a chance to promote my business, Circle of Life Publishing.  She dangled an ad-in-the-program carrot in front of me. It really didn’t take much carrot-dangling though because the truth is I love a history mystery. And the tour benefits the Upper Arlington Historical Society.  And I get to work with Kate and also Sue Minor, a dynamo and fellow history enthusiast. I said yes to Kate after about, oh, three seconds. So check back to see what we’ve uncovered.  First on the list: a Cambridge Boulevard home built by the Miller family in 1916…